Oh boy. This is what happens when you leave me with time to kill before a train I have to catch. I go and write stupid stuff like this. Ah well, makes up for my lack of update for night on two weeks I guess. Oh yeah and stupid post titles are making a comeback it seems

Theres no real reason for this to be here, other than it shows a large cup of coffee and is a somewhat hilarious image if you think about it

I am currently seated in one of the myriad of chain coffee shops you get all over the place, an enormous pitcher of coffee is sitting to my right, you know the sort, the huge Vats of the stuff they always give you and which are totally impractical. If you happen to be the sort of person who sips their coffee (and I am) then chances are the damn stuffs gone cold before your even 2/3rd’s of the way through. And even if this isn’t the case, chances are by this point you feel like you have just devoured a small banquet where the only dish on offer was some sort of cloying rich sludge. Added to this fact, is the way my now lukewarm beverage appears to be going through puberty, or at least you would think so from the number of oily blotches developing on its surface, both to remind me that I have just drunk a cup of dubiously manufactured sugar rich commercial coffee, and also, I suspect, as some sort of primitive survival technique, an attempt to trigger remorse and disgust in the drinker and thereby save the coffee from a throaty demise.

Evolution People, the proof for it is everywhere you look.

At any rate, it appears to have worked for the stuff, I have chosen to scorn the remaining dregs of my self-aware mocha and proceed to actually write about what exactly it is that is on my mind right now. Yes, not only was this whole coffee thing a massive preamble gone terribly, terribly wrong. I have yet to address the actual cause for me putting pen to paper. Clearly I had a lot of steam to let off over long-standing disagreements with coffee in general that I needed to get off my chest.

The topic that was playing on my mind was in fact methylone, a plant food come recreational drug which, while not technically being illegal, is somewhat heavily frowned upon when used for the completely unintended purpose of human consumption. Obviously, equipped as I am with this knowledge I would be a fool to ingest such a substance, and even more foolish for me to publish onto the internet, a record of me doing exactly that. So do please understand that what follows must surely be an elaborate work of fiction, pulled from a mind that is high only on artery-clogging caffeinated drinks.

As I write this I am pretty confident that every last vestige of methylone has left my system. And while I would not like to give the impression that I am an expert on it, (or any drug for that matter, being by and large a good boy who stays on the straight and narrow) I would like to think that /i have experienced it at least enough to write an il-considered opinion article on it. And by simple induction that must mean I have at least 4 times the knowledge on my chosen subject as any daily mail reporter ever does when they sit down to write a piece.

Oh come on, just look at her! she even gives off an aura of "smug opinionated newspaper columnist"

Given the general view of drugs taken by almost all governments the world across. It would be ludicrous to suggest that methylone will not be banned at some point in the reasonably near future. I am however, willing to bet that it will be for the entirely wrong reasons. A supposed health risk maybe, or perhaps it is a gateway drug? Maybe the production of the stuff requires you to punch a baby in the face and shoot a rare rhino, I must confess to not actually knowing at the time of writing. I accept that all of these would to varying degrees be acceptable grounds for a ban. But far more potentially dangerous in my experience, is the effect it has on the empathy of the one who has taken it. It seems to me like a man on methylone is like a man who has injected himself voluntarily with a powerful truth serum and then opened up a conversation. Suddenly he would think nothing of blurting out his innermost secrets, the kinds of which they may never have told a single person before, possibly even themselves.

Now, in many cases you could easily see how this is in fact a good thing, not a bad one. Two close friends, or two partners could make great use of it to get to know each other even better than they did before, and this has been my experience with the drug to date. But what about if it was in the wrong hands? In what is possibly a controversial and ill-advised move I am going to compare it to Rohypnol, AKA that date rape drug stuff which unscrupulous wretches use to take advantage, physically, of others. (Coincidentally I hear people also take it as a recreational drug, presumably only on their own or with people they trust quite well unless they are very stupid indeed) Now take methylone, could not an equally unscrupulous wretch use it to take advantage, mentally of another person? This is possibly the ravings of a caffine-hyped up lunatic, and I don’t particularly want to attempt to argue the comparative harm of physical and mental abuse. (I sense it will end in tears) But I at least know that I would be very traumatized were all my most intimate thoughts were suddenly out there for the whole world to know. In methylone you have a drug with the potential not to enable physical abuse, but a rape of the mind.

Good god, wasn’t that pretentious!