Altruism or : How I learned to stop worrying and love people

January 19, 2010

Ok I guess im getting somewhat of a traffic jam of stuff to write about (or at least I’m to lazy to write for extended periods of time when I could easily amalgamate two stories into one) But this is again returning to my weekend.


This basically has nothing to do with the blog, but indeniably looks rather cool

may or may not recall I lost my wallet on the friday night, but I only realised this on the saturday morning when I was due to be in town*. This was not the best start to the day. To make matters worse, my last “good” T-shirt turned out to be horribly creased (I don’t know if anyone else does this, but I have T-shirts for when im going anywhere in public which I regard as “good” ones and T-shirts for other occasions which I wear when im staying home to save the nicer ones, probably just me), I stubbed my toe on my bed and my shaver blade had a neighborly dispute with my face.

All in all it was basically shaping out to be one of those days where everything seems somewhat against you, but I left the house to catch the 18 bus to town anyway, (after borrowing moolah from my benevolent mother figure)the bus stop for said bus happens to be only 200 yards from my house/

Anyway, this is where the real point of this story comes in, so if you snoozed through that ramble you might aswell wake up now, predictably, when I was a goodly distance (and on the wrong side of the road) from the bus stop, the 18 comes along, this is coherent with my current belief of how my day is turning out as, because of all the faffing that I had induced at home not getting on that bus would almost certainly result in me being horribly, horribly late. I ran for it anyway, despite assuming I was never going to make it due to a combination of traffic and distance, but there was a goodly number of people at the bus stop so the effort was worth it.

Imagine my surprise then, on a day where everything is going terribly, when not only does one driver obviously realise what im trying to do, but so does another driver going the other way, and they both stop allowing me to cross the road. This was awesome, and allowed me to get on the bus, so I would just like to take this moment to thank “Woman in a beige Corsa” and “gentleman in a black car I didn’t think to check the make of”.

Anyway, just as my day is looking up somewhat, I remember that I didn’t bring my passport with me to town, and without that I will probably be unable to get my debit card re-issued because I can’t prove my identity, sigh, I go to the Halifax anyway, explain my predicament, and the woman with the st Lucian accent behind the counter tells me exactly what I expected (you can cancel your card, but you will need to come back in later to re-issue it). Bah, anyway, banter continues as she presses some mystical combination of buttons to cancel my credit cards, and just as I am about to leave she does something that I guess I should be irritated about (if I was a victim of credit card fraud ever), she tells me that she’s going to re-issue my card anyway. despite my lack of identification, awesome!

This is the first google result for "outwardly cynical inwardly optomistic...wait what

I’d like to think that the St Lucian sounding woman was just wooed by my charming personality, but whatever it was, that was now two (three if you count both drivers) random acts of relative kindness I had received this day, without which you would probably not be reading this somewhat boring ramble about the innate kindness of humanity and instead be reading some immensely entertaining rant as I moan bitterly about how craptacular my Saturday was. whew, that was a long sentence!

I don’t quite know what the point of this post (or any of my posts?) was, I feel as though anyone reading this blog who doesn’t know me (read: all 1 of you who randomly come across this while googling “mexican gay bar rant quasi foodblog moron”) would get the impression that I am a massively cynical pessimistic person, but this isn’t true, I think I would describe myself as outwardly cynical and inwardly optimistic. And by this I mean that lets be honest, its far more fun complaining about everything and anything that walks, but in truth im somewhat of a believer in people. And on that bombshell…

*The thought occurs to me that technically I lost my wallet in the early hours of Saturday morning, making it conclusively not a great start to a day.

Oh as a further note to those of you reading this on facebook, that contortionist nonsense on the left (it might not be on the left but it is in black and white) probably wont make any sense unless you read the caption it comes with, and you probably cant read that unless you go to the blog proper with the link…somewhere on the page your on right now, as to where it is, your guess is as good as mine. Also I could be wrong and facebook might show captions anyway, but meh.

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